3000 Multi Country Apparel & Garment Buyers Contact List

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  • GBP: £ 809.10

All our Buyers Database are Verified and compiled by GBA editors.


International Garments Buyer list & Apparel Buyers Contact details

International Garments Buyer list & Apparel Buyers Contact details

Enhance the scope of your garment export business in the global market by utilizing our International Garments Buyer List and Apparel Buyers Contact Details. Connect with buyers worldwide and fulfill their purchasing needs.

Listed below is an example of the sort of information contained on this list:

Company Name: 3000+ Available
Contact Name: 2800 + Available
Company Address: 3000 + Available
Phone Number: 3000 + Available
Fax Number: 2900 + Available
E-mail Address: 3000 + Available
Website Address: 3000 + Available

Merchandise Range: Women’s Garment, Men’s Clothing, Kids wear Apparel, Sportswear, ladies’ Dresses, women’s Casual Wear, Knitwear, Jackets, Coats, Tops, Tunics, Pants, Shirts, T-Shirts.

Our Main Customers: Garment Exporters, Fashion Designers, Trade Show Organizers, Buying Agencies, Trading Companies.

Delivery Details: Automatic download after payment. Once the payment is made you’ll be redirected to download link, also you can check your email for the download link.

CONNECT WITH DECISION MAKERS: Who are responsible for selecting Apparel & Clothing

Whose titles are: Buyer, Owner, Director, Vice president, and Ceo.

Our database includes contact information of wholesale importers and retail buyers from the following Countries:

Argentina, ATLANTA, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus,

Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, Equador, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran,

Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, KENYA, KUWAIT, LATVIA, Lebanon, LUXEMBOURG, MEXICO, MALAYSIA, MALDIVES,

MAURITIUS, Mexico, MIDDLE-EAST, NEW ZEALAND, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, QATAR,

Republica Dominicana, ROMANIA, Russia, SAN DIEGO, SAUDI ARABIA, Serbia, Singapore, Sint Maarten, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, South

Africa, South America, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey, UAE, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA

Maximize the potential of your fashion brand by reaching out to premium apparel buyers with our reliable and up-to-date Global Garment Buyers Contact List. Our database comprises a comprehensive and verified list of top-notch retail stores, fashion brands, and exclusive designer boutiques, offering detailed contact information, including company name, contact person, address, phone number, and email. Targeting the right buyers is crucial to enhance your sales and expand your business in the competitive fashion industry, and our International Garments Buyer database provides you with the perfect platform to connect with them.

Database updated on March/05/2024